1OAM apotheke x Red Jane Bakery
Sat 20.04 / 27.04 / 04.05  11am - 7pm

1OAM apotheke x Red Jane Bakery
Sat 20.04 / 27.04 / 04.05  11am - 7pm

Approaching Easter, 1OAM apotheke is teaming up with Red Jane Bakery to exclusively bring you in Athens the age-old recipe for Tsoureki, straight from the drawers of our grandmothers in Crete.

Each Saturday for the next three weeks, swing by 1OAM apotheke and experience these authentic flavors of Tsoureki, the beloved sweet bread of Greek culture, crafted by the skilled hands of Chania’s finest bakers.

Available in two delicious variations: the plain traditional one, and one filled with bergamot.

Pre-order online or join us in-store to savor every bite of this limited-edition treat.

Let’s celebrate Greek Easter together in tradition!