1OAM apotheke x WIWLTR_reads
Saturday 13.01.2024

1OAM apotheke x WIWLTR_reads
Saturday 13.01.2024

A display of books — Saturday 13th of January at 1OAM Apotheke, 82 Konstantinoupoleos Street, Athens.

A selection of books on movement, interior, design and rituals curated by @wiwltr___reads will be displayed at @10amapotheke, for you to get inspired while browsing the selection through. Anyone curious to discover @simotto’s personal archive of vintage books and the universe of 1OAM Apotheke is welcome to join this event.

Display can be viewed from 11am. / Complimentary hot tea will be served. *This event has no commercial purpose (the books displayed are not for sale)